Learn how to install OrangeHRM Starter on your newly launched EC2 instance. This section assumes you followed the steps in Launch an Instance.
Starting the Installation
First, SSH into your EC2 instance as ec2-user. Then, enter orangehrm install to start installing OrangeHRM Starter.
OrangeHRM Starter is licensed under the
- GNU General Public License v2 (5.5 and below) and
- GNU General Public License v3 (5.6 and above).
Accept the license and wait a few minutes for the installation to begin. You will be asked to provide the following information:
- Organisation Name
- Country (tip: type in lowercase and use the TAB key to autocomplete)
- Language (tip: use TAB to autocomplete)
- Timezone Group (tip: use TAB to autocomplete)
- Timezone (tip: use TAB to autocomplete)
- Admin Employee Details
- First Name
- Last Name
- Contact Number
- Username
- Register System (yes/no)
- Enable Data Encryption (yes/no)
The installer will run a system check and display the results (if “Web Server” is “N/A” you can ignore it). Type “yes” to start installing.
A success message will be displayed upon completion.
Access OrangeHRM Starter
You can now access OrangeHRM Starter from your browser. Paste the IP under the success message in your browser’s URL bar.
Your system’s login page should be displayed (if not, check your instance’s security groups and open TCP Port 80)
Set a Strong Password
You must change the password generated by OrangeHRM AWS CLI before continuing. Log in to the system with the password under the same success message.
You will be redirected to a “Change Weak Password” screen. You can set a stronger password here and use it to log in to the system.
What’s Next?
You can set up HTTPS after completing the installation.
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