Here is a list of all the commands that can be run via OrangeHRM AWS CLI.
Command | Description |
orangehrm help | Displays the help message |
orangehrm install | Install the OrangeHRM web application |
orangehrm update | Update the OrangeHRM web application |
orangehrm check-update |
Check for available updates |
orangehrm get-logs | Copy all created log files to the user’s home folder |
orangehrm clean | Delete all OrangeHRM-related data from your system except for generated SSL certificates |
orangehrm backup help | Display a help message for orangehrm backup commands |
orangehrm backup create | Create a backup of an existing installation |
orangehrm backup restore | Restore an existing backup |
orangehrm backup list | List all existing backups |
orangehrm backup clean | Delete all existing backups |
orangehrm ssl help | Display a help message for orangehrm ssl commands |
orangehrm ssl enable | Generate SSL certificates via Certbot |
orangehrm ssl renew | Renew your generated SSL certificates (only if they have expired) |
orangehrm ssl auto-renew | Generate systemd timers that will run orangehrm ssl renew every 24 hours |
orangehrm ssl restore | Restore server configurations for generated SSL certificates |
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